All people have verbal and nonverbal ways of communicating, which let others know what energies they contain. We communicate through body language, through words, and through symbolic acts of creation. In ancient times, and still today, Native Americans carried shields or placed shields on tripods in front of their lodges. These shields were painted with symbols that defined the owner’s spiritual background. The images depicted the work the person had accomplished not only in the physical world but also in the world of spirit. Frequently the images included power animals.
Getting a sense of your power animal can help you identify what you are truly about. A power animal is part of you and helps you build power and focus energy. We need to relearn how to know ourselves in this way. This knowledge helps with healing, creativity and heightening consciousness, while growing intuition and deep spirituality. If you are a bear, no wonder you rest in the winter and don’t like to start new projects until spring. Knowing your power animal means knowing yourself better. How can you define who you are if you do not really and truly have the experience of knowing who you are on an instinctual level? This is empowering and FUN! And helps us recognize areas of challenge in our lives as well! Join regular Benet House presenter Kathleen Collins for this fascinating day. Saturday, December 14, 9 am–2 pm; Benet House Retreat Center at St. Mary Monastery, Rock Island IL
Fee: Register and pay in full by Nov. 14: $50 (includes lunch); Registrations and payments after Nov. 14: $65 (includes lunch). Register HERE.