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CommUniversity Course–The Shamanic Journey: Core Shamanism

Course by Rev. Kathleen Collins

During the basic experiential workshop, participants are introduced to core shamanism, the universal, near-universal, and common methods of the shaman to enter non-ordinary reality for problem solving and healing. Particular emphasis is on the classic shamanic journey, one of the most remarkable visionary methods used by humankind to explore the hidden universe otherwise known mainly through myth and dream. Participants are initiated into shamanic journeying, aided by drumming and other techniques for experiencing the shamanic state of consciousness and for awakening dormant spiritual abilities, including connections with nature. This is powerful and FUN!

Every year in February, CommUniversity students and instructors gather for four enjoyable Sunday afternoons to learn from each other and to delight in the breadth and depth of ideas that can make even a Midwestern winter bright. More information here. REGISTER HERE.

You can register online or via mail by completing our paper registration form. Classes do fill up so please include a first and second choice. Textbooks may be required for some courses. Students are responsible for acquiring their own books from local libraries, bookstores or the internet.

The Thursday before your first Sunday class, you will receive an email with a map of the St. Ambrose campus and the location of your classroom. The map also includes all of the available parking areas on campus so that you can plan the best place to park.

For questions about registration call 309-794-7259 or email

Info based on last year’s program here:

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